Top sportsman to launch into this weekend with new new racer sponsorship

"VAN" (Sports Desk - 20.09.2024) :: The ANDRA Regional Sportsman Championship’s Top Sportsman bracket will launch into action for this weekend’s round two of the season with fresh new backing from an enthusiastic group of Top Sportsman competitors.

Leon Davies (Slape Crash Repairs), Glenn Henley (Glenara Transport Pty Ltd), Greg Damiani (Damiani Racing), Jason Young (TECH2O Racing), David Foster (DJ Auto Repairs), Vlado Turic (Vlado Turic Pty Ltd / VT RACING), Stuart McBain, Sam Cardinale, Kevin McIvor, Darren Whitford, Chris Theodorakopoulos, and Darren Saliba have launched a collaborative effort to sponsor the Top Sportsman bracket.

These passionate racers are the latest in a long list of valued supporters to throw their support behind the ANDRA Regional Sportsman Championship, explained ANDRA Chief Executive Officer, Tim McAvaney.

“As the countdown continues to this weekend’s Sunset Nationals, the second round of our new ANDRA Regional Sportsman Championship, we really could not be more pleased to confirm this latest sponsorship as part of our series,” McAvaney said.

“These 12 Top Sportsman racers are not only actively entering in events, they are also putting their money where their mouth is to support the bracket that they love, which is just incredible to see. We are so very thankful for their belief in what we are trying to achieve for our ANDRA members with this new series.

“With racer support like this, there is no stopping the ANDRA Regional Sportsman Championship!”

The Top Sportsman Competitors Top Sportsman bracket will be on-track this weekend at Mildura’s Atlantic Oils Sunset Strip for the Sunset Nationals.


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