Discover the qualities to stand out from the crowd

Discover the qualities to stand out from the crowd "VAN" (Europe Bureau - Aleksey Vesyoliy) :: The world has become more unpredictable and chaotic. Fear of the unknown, fear of failing, boredom and meaningless, or fear of not being in control. When you are living a life that is dictated by others it becomes hard to find the purpose of your own life.

Do you ever feel like you're working hard but not getting anywhere? People often spend their lives drifting from one activity to another or rushing around trying to get more done while actually accomplishing very little. Do you want to follow the path that you have always known? Will you accept your life “as it is?” Or, will you chase your potential, knowing that you will never reach it? Will the search for your own potential lead you to find perfection in the journey? Life is full of choices we make every day.

Emotional well-being  refers to the emotional quality of an individual's everyday experience, for example, the frequency and intensity of experiences of joy, stress, sadness, anger, and affection that make one's life pleasant or unpleasant. Emotional well-being is a term that has seen increasing use in recent decades. Mental health, wellbeing and resilience are crucial to a host of social care and economic benefits – as well as supporting physical health, positive relationships, education and work.  Poor mental health is both a contribution to and a consequence of wider health inequalities.  There are growing concerns about current rates of adolescent depression and youth suicide. Growing number of researches have found that  more than half of all adults with mental health problems were diagnosed in childhood, but less than half of these people were given the right treatment or support at the time. In fact 2/3 of lifetime mental disorders begin before the age of 18. This situation dramatically changes a young person’s ability to plan their future and their general outlook on life.

Many people act impulsively without giving any thought to what they really want. They constantly think about what they don’t want and are disheartened when it shows up not as expected. Some people find that the meaning of life is to have a career, get married and raise a family. However, that doesn’t mean that everyone is meant to do that in their lives. It was the great Italian Renaissance genius Leonardo da Vinci who spent countless hours visualising his inventions before they came to life. Da Vinci referred to his visualisation process as, “sapere vedere” which translates to: “knowing how to see.”

Looking to make some positive changes in your life?

It was Napoleon Hill who wrote in his book "The Master Key to Riches": “Mental attitude is important because it converts the brain into the equivalent of an electromagnet which attracts the counterpart of one’s dominating thoughts, aims and purposes. It also attracts the counterpart of one’s fears, worries and doubts.” Positive mental attitude is a concept first introduced in 1937 by Napoleon Hill in the book "Think and Grow Rich". The book never actually uses the term, but discusses about the importance of positive thinking as a contributing factor of success. Napoleon Hill later wrote a book "Success Through a Positive Mental Attitude" and defines positive mental attitude as comprising the 'plus' characteristics represented by words as faith, integrity, hope, optimism, courage, initiative, generosity, tolerance, tact, kindliness and good common sense. Positive mental attitude is the philosophy of finding greater joy in small joys, to live without hesitation or holding back our most cherished, held in high esteem and highest personal virtues and values. The good news is that finding a sense of purpose is possible at any age. But, first, we need to reword the question.

What is the meaning of life? What Is Important to Me? How to find the meaning of your life?

Questions that have been asked an infinite amount of times. There is also the theory that simply searching for meaning in your life, is the meaning itself. 

In 1942, psychiatrist Viktor Frankl, his wife, and parents were deported to the Nazi Theresienstadt Ghetto. The next year, Frankl and his wife were transported to Auschwitz death camp, where more than a million people would eventually be murdered. He was then transferred to two additional camps, separating him from his mother and wife. After being liberated from the camps, Frankl spent his life advocating for the importance of meaning as salve against suffering and the secret to happiness. Meaning brought him through the Holocaust and formed the basis for his entire approach to life. So it might seem surprising that he would provide the following admonition: “One should not search for an abstract meaning of life.” In other words, Frankl believes that meaning cannot be pursued as a goal in itself. It must ensue as a side-effect of pursuing other goals. If what you really want is to find meaning, he instructs, “you have to let it happen by not caring about it.”

Success is a state of mind that requires predetermined goals and the effort to achieve them. It is important to see the obstacles and difficulties you face as challenges. When you look at such things as challenges, you will find it much easier to maintain a positive, motivated attitude.

Set a goal to build on your strengths instead of setting a resolution focused on fixing something negative. Simply by participating in the search, you are doing something incredibly meaningful. You become more of the person you were meant to be every time you push past your fears. It doesn’t matter how small or big the step is; once you take the step, your comfort zone becomes bigger, and life offers you more opportunities. Face your fears and grow. Visualize the future to clear the obstacles and pave the way. As you overcome each challenge, you will feel progressively more empowered and capable. Your self-confidence will soar. The harder you work for something, the greater you will feel when you achieve it.

Goal setting is a powerful process for thinking about your contentful  future, and for motivating yourself to turn your vision of this future into reality. Without setting goals or objectives, life becomes a series of chaotic happenings you don't control. You become the plaything of coincidence. Accomplishments are the result of a goal that was set at some point. A vision that was charted and realised. The process of setting goals helps you choose where you want to go in life. There are many tools and techniques to create insight in oneself, define one's goals, generate new solutions and/or overcome inner and outer obstacles. It’s easy to focus on what is wrong in your life than trying to envisage a better future because your problems are real. Future visualisation. Why you should make it a habit to visualise your future? Visualisation is the seed fertilised in the mind, whereby action is the flowering plant that blossoms. One needs the other to manifest your goals and dreams.Visualisation without action is futile because mental preparation and inspired action are both necessary to bring to life your desires.

“Imagination is the beginning of creation. You imagine what you desire, you will what you imagine and at last you create what you will.” — George Bernard Shaw The first step towards building on your strengths is to identify what they are.  Paying attention to what is unwanted in your life, those same cellular structures are strengthened and become efficient unless you change your thought patterns.  Any idea that is held in the mind, emphasized, feared or reverenced, begins at once to clothe itself in the most convenient and appropriate physical form that is available.

Here are some simple actions you can do every day to bring positivity and happiness into your life.


Write a gratitude journal and make sure to be specific. A number of studies have found gratitude to be linked with positive emotions and overall wellbeing and life satisfaction.


Listen to music that sounds the way you want to feel. Researches have shown that music activates the region of the brain that releases the feel good chemical dopamine and also relaxes the body. Music can in fact make yhou feel happier.

Share positivity

Share positivity by sending one thank-you email or doing one kind act every day. There are several studies that show that acts of kindness can boost happiness, reduce depression and even help you live longer.

Challenge your negative thinking

Ask yourself, “Is there another more positive way I could view this?”  Hundreds of studies have shown that being able to think optimistically is good for your health  and well-being.

Follow your passion

Do something you feel excited about.  Volunteer for a cause you believe in or sign up for a class to learn something new.  Several studies have shown that people who feel a sense of meaning in their life are healthier, live longer and have greater life satisfaction. Accomplishments are the result of a goal that was set at some point. A vision that was charted and realised.


Living in the past means you cannot move forward and onward. We must learn to forgive, if we must progress. Even just 7-minutes of meditation a day has been shown to improve mood, decrease stress and improving sleep. 

Regular meditators are calmer, have greater self-awareness and have better focus too.

You must upgrade yourself to be a better version of yourself as so many things around us are getting better, but the majority of humans seem to think that they are the finished article. Take a look around you. The phones, cars, planes and countless other things are getting better year upon year. Through action, personal development and self education you can truly reach your full potential and become a better version of yourself. It’s an amazing thing to know that at any moment you have the freedom, the ability, the power of choice to choose what to do and how to live your life. 

Choice is the greatest gift we get from life. Look for your choices, pick the best one, and then go with it. Life is a matter of choices, and every choice you make makes you. You're completely in charge!

Publication author: Sintija Bernava,

Chairwoman of the Board of Non Governmental Organisation "Donum Animus".

"Donum Animus" is the only  Non Governmental Organisation from Latvia holding Special Consultative Status of the Economic and Social Council of the United Nations

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