Iran affirms right to self-defense in face of Israeli aggression

"VAN" (International Desk - 27.10.2024) :: Iranian Foreign Ministry considered that the condemned aggressive action of the Zionist entity against Iran as a flagrant violation of international law and the United Nations Charter, especially the principle of prohibiting the threat or use of force against the territorial integrity and national sovereignty of states.

“It has been repeatedly emphasized by the competent authorities that Iran has the right and duty to defend itself against external aggression in accordance with Article 51 of the United Nations Charter”, Iranian Foreign Ministry said in a statement on Saturday.

The statement noted that Iran relies on all the material and moral capabilities of its people in order to defend its security and vital interests, and it is aware of its responsibilities towards regional peace and security, and stresses the individual and collective responsibility of all countries in the region to protect regional peace and stability. The statement added that Iran thanks all peace-loving countries that have condemned and expressed their denunciation of the aggressive action of the occupying Israeli entity.

“continuation of the crimes of the Zionist entity in the region, especially against the Palestinian people and its aggression against Lebanon, which continues with comprehensive military and political support from the United States and some Western countries, constitutes the main reason for tension and insecurity in the region” Iranian Ministry underlined.

In its statement, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs recalled all member states of the United Nations, and the states parties to the Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide and the four Geneva Conventions of 1949, about the responsibility to take urgent and collective action to confront serious violations of international law and the United Nations Charter, which at the same time constitute a serious violation of international peace and security.

Iranian Foreign Ministry also called on the international community to take immediate and urgent action to stop the genocide, war and aggression against Gaza and Lebanon, and to curb the Zionist entity’s belligerence.


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